Two Kindred Spirits

Perhaps, for a time, our journeys will coincide, and our two kindred spirits will become as one...

Location: Maunawili Valley, O'ahu, Hawai'i, United States

Saturday, May 28, 2011

First Post...

Undoubtedly you have uncurled this little message from within a barnacle encrusted blog bottle that has washed up on your sandy beach. Help. I am stranded on New Blogger's Island, and have no way off. Forgive the desperate tone from one who has watched multitudes sail by on technology's shipping lanes, quite unaware of my feeble existence. And so, I scrawl this earthen thought to send out into cyberspace, with the hopes of finding another kindred spirit with whom I may connect. And, until that doth happen, I am sure it may persuade my extremely clever, very dear friend at downeastdoingstuff.blogspot to take pity, and help me set up this contraption of a cyber thing wherein I shall gladly share with you the many trials and humors of becoming a real cowgirl on my little farm in Maine, and promise never to use the words doth and wherein, again. ;~)
